Wednesday 22 July 2015

Bounty Hunter


  1. Stunning .. one of the most characterful models i have seen in ages.. so envious of the ablity to paint black like that !

  2. Such an amazing conversion and paintjob. Great work.

  3. Excellent work. Where does the main body come from?

  4. Stunning. Such a wonderful character.

  5. This model made my night. I'm especially impressed by how the armor looks more knightly than one often sees with dark eldar conversions and how the weapons feel so perfectly sized. Your work continues to inspire.

  6. Hi, I'm liking what you're doing here on your blog, some very characterfull models! I discovered your blog from a link you put up on an old Legionofplastic blog post. I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind having a look at my fledging blog:

  7. Hi, I'm liking what you're doing here on your blog, some very characterfull models! I discovered your blog from a link you put up on an old Legionofplastic blog post. I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind having a look at my fledging blog:

  8. Another stunning conversion man. It's refreshing to see Dark Eldar done this way, your models up to press look more like and INQ28 squad, bursting with character.

  9. Amazing work - looking forward to seeing what's next...I can't begin to imagine!

  10. Splendid model.Draws on so many different concepts every one can relate to with such simple, tasteful paint job. I have used the same base model half way on to a very different feeling conversion. Will be nice to share after seeing this.
